Giving is great – but do you know how?

 “It is one of the beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson Studies have shown that giving and service of others can be a mental and physical health booster. It can help reduce blood pressure, lower depression, lower stress levels, increase life expectancyContinueContinue reading “Giving is great – but do you know how?”

Five habits that will upgrade your emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) in this day and age is even more essential than ever if you want to be successful – there are SO MANY WAYS TO DISTRACT YOURSELF! Technology is awesome and with us all the time, food and drink is great quality and widely available, people are always around in our urbanized society,ContinueContinue reading “Five habits that will upgrade your emotional intelligence”

Mental Health is Underrated!

Despite increased awareness, mental health I think is a term that when heard people assume that it doesn’t apply to them. It only applies to the unfortunate people who have developed severe problems and are now on medication. It is still a stigma – something that people are far too afraid of. What we haveContinueContinue reading “Mental Health is Underrated!”

Laugh More!

“A good laugh heals a lot of hurts” – Madeleine L’Engle Having a little humour is one of the best ways to relate to anything. Laughter doesn’t only suck the tension out of a tense situation, but even has medical benefits. It releases endorphins which ease pain and stress, relaxes the body and can actContinueContinue reading “Laugh More!”

Be healthy – but know your limits

There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. I recently had it dawn on me that I was a bit too dedicated to my workouts! I would workout no matter what, even if I felt (legitimately) ill, and even if I had other pressing issues to deal with. It led meContinueContinue reading “Be healthy – but know your limits”

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